
Showing posts from May, 2009

Better than T-Tapp

Ok,T-Tapp's great but what else?  First and foremost I realized I needed to support my spiritual life with daily input of scripture. I've read the bible through a few times from beginning to end and of course done lots of reading wherever a study might take me but however I do it the "renewing of my mind daily" is critical. I fall into crazy thinking without it, I feel dull, confused, my priorities waffle. I stop reading because I fall into the old "I've read it all before, I know what it says, I can coast for a while..." and when I'm brought low by circumstances beyond my abilities I crack it open and I'm instantly amazed at how refreshing, clear and trustworthy is Word of our God.  And how foolish I am to think that I don't need to fill my life with it at every opportunity. Like my kids deciding they'll pack up and live on their own, thanks, while all under 10 years of age. Sometimes I wonder why I think I ever know what the heck is goi

I'm a "Before" Picture!

Gosh, I've been trying to make a new post for a few days now but every time I get here I think "Oooo that  needs changing", or I get some very helpful info from someone on how I can fix something I didn't even know was broken - like how to let someone leave a comment (did I mention I'm a newbie?), and I never actually get to the blogging part before I run out of time. As you can see, I can  make a run on sentence however.  I did take another step toward my goal to get more fit and feel better - I entered the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge. In short you can win a trip to Florida for a T-Tapp weekend if you win. It's obviously about what you can do with (or to) your body and general well being by T-Tapping consistently for 60 days. The CATCH is you have to send in 5 BEFORE photos and your measurements. My poor husband had to take the pics and poor me had to let him. Told you I was serious about this feel better at 40 thing...  Plus I feel absolutely giddy at the though


Ok, I have to spend a post bragging on T-Tapp. Don't know what that is? It's only The Best Workout I've ever found. It's not just exercise, it's wellness. It's realistic, healthy, cheap (compared to gym memberships and fancy equipment) and smart. I can't explain it all but you can check it out here if you're looking for a workout that you can start without being in shape, with injuries and in only 15 minutes you'll be impressed.  Anyway, it's one of the main keys to this 6 month rejuvenation project of mine. No I don't get paid by T-Tapp : )

Mother's Day?

What a weird day. It seems like a nice idea but in reality it looks like a lot of mothers doing a lot of work on top of the lot of work they already do to make other mothers feel special (which is nice!). I personally have no knowledge of any mother for whom Mother's Day equals a game of golf, dinner out and arriving home to find all the regular work has been done and they are not more behind than when they left. It's just the nature of the job I guess. I'm not complaining, just wondering. If it could be different.  Here's Me and the reasons that today I got homemade cards, a chocolate bar (bought with my only son's own money!), hugs and kisses and a pot of purple mums...  And the reasons I do the work and the extra work and try daily to count it all joy (James 1:2) Left to Right:   Paige 3,   Sean 9,   Brooke 1,   Jenna 7

I want to blog, but how?

I've been considering this blog thing. How much does one bare for all to see? I've been attempting to develop some personal boundaries for what I should share and where. Nobody is helped by or wants to read posts that don't share the heart of a matter. On the other hand unintentionally hurting someone else by revealing personal information or a difficult situation would defeat the purpose of this blog which is to explore a personal journey to a new, rewarding phase of life. It really does warrant some thought. The other blogging challenge is time. My time is at an absolute premium these days. I have 4 young children and an 80 year old, legally blind mother living with me. Oh, and also my husband of course, but he's gone all day - meaning I like to make sure we spend some time together in the evenings. I homeschool - it takes up a TON of time and I could always be working on that (I like it! It keeps my brain engaged). I live in an unfinished basement suite - I really sh

6 Months to Go...

Well, today is the first day of my 6 month odyssey to 40. That's what this blog is about. 40 itself is not a big deal however it is nonetheless a cultural milestone and comes at a time when I'm ready for a new phase of life; where I have the opportunity to make some changes, a chance for some re-creation. Why now?  For the last 10 years I've been VERY busy having four beautiful children (1 boy, 3 girls now aged 9 through 1)  and falling behind in every other area. I have barely kept up with the having of babies never mind keeping physically, spiritually and mentally fit, my marriage needs a tune-up big time, I have no idea who I am or how to enjoy myself anymore.  The things I did when I was in my single 20's come to mind but thankfully I realize they are wholly inappropriate! What *does* a Middle-aged, Married, Single-income, Christian, Homeschooling, Mom of 4 do for fun anyway? How is she supposed to look? (have you noticed that middle-aged women's magazines all h