Better than T-Tapp

Ok,T-Tapp's great but what else? 

First and foremost I realized I needed to support my spiritual life with daily input of scripture. I've read the bible through a few times from beginning to end and of course done lots of reading wherever a study might take me but however I do it the "renewing of my mind daily" is critical. I fall into crazy thinking without it, I feel dull, confused, my priorities waffle. I stop reading because I fall into the old "I've read it all before, I know what it says, I can coast for a while..." and when I'm brought low by circumstances beyond my abilities I crack it open and I'm instantly amazed at how refreshing, clear and trustworthy is Word of our God.  And how foolish I am to think that I don't need to fill my life with it at every opportunity. Like my kids deciding they'll pack up and live on their own, thanks, while all under 10 years of age. Sometimes I wonder why I think I ever know what the heck is going on by relying on only my own two cents worth of thinking.


"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12

I've been working through the prophets of the old testament (except Isaiah since I find that book unreasonably intimidating!) because I haven't really spent much time there when not reading chronologically through the bible. I just thought it would be interesting and probably had something I should know it it. I have been struck at the historical accuracy of it all. The fate of nations called by *name*. The prophecies fulfilled that even I can't miss. It's convicting. It's not to messed with. It's to be taken seriously and wrestled with. It's not something to be ignored. It must be answered. A decision must be made on what to do with the text. Even though greater minds than mine have battled it out for millennia I still have to make the battle mine and answer for it.

Yes, renewing daily my mind, challenging my pre-conceptions of the Creator of the Universe, making sense of the hard, gruesome, terrifying, lovely, hopeful, bigger than just me and my 21st century world stories that are more than just stories is vital.


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