
Showing posts from February, 2015

6 Down 2 to Go!!!

Well, I can't believe I am actually out of time.  I've been sitting one of these aqua blue chemo lounge chairs for almost 6 hours, and I've run out of time to write a blog!  Poor time management on my part, and I LIKE to manage my time. Actually I've been trying to get my phone to email my computer pictures for this blog, then I could post more often, since what I think of to write is often spurred by a picture.  You should see the cool picture I have in store, if I can ever get it to where it needs to be. As afore mentioned, I am not very techy. Nurse Veronica called this morning when we were 1/2 way here to let me know I was good to go for my treatment today.  Good thing!  I have done super well (thanks for prayers!) no allergic reactions.  Not so for the guy next to me (again! different guy though).  He's been having a rough time of it and is now off to spend the night in the hospital so they can keep an eye on him.  Unfortunately they have no beds, so he w

ISO: Missing Neutrophils

Well, I've been enjoying my "normal" life so much, I haven't posted.  That's a good thing. I have felt pretty great! I didn't realize how pretty lousy I was feeling before : ) I was all geared up to go in today for my 6th treatment - it was going to be the loooong day of 6hrs.  I'd gone to see the Doc and had my blood drawn in the morning. We'd made plans for the kids and I'd spent the 2nd half of Tuesday lesson planning for independent learning and eating.  I was just about finished entering all the lessons into my online planner when Jennifer the Nurse called to say I just wasn't up to par and couldn't come for my appointment.  My white blood cell count was down - it hadn't picked up since my last treatment (remember the celebratory post about the end of Neupogen shots? I guess they were really doing their job!). She could clearly hear how disappointed I was and was trying to be encouraging. I really was disappointed! In fact I wa

Just a Great Day.

What a Blissful day. A satisfying, frustrating, joyful, busy, productive, boring - normal - day.  Today felt almost like I never had cancer.   It rained outside, I hate the rain.  I was tired after staying up too late, I hate homeschooling tired (everybody hates me homeschooling tired).  School started off chaotically, chaos sucks the life out of me. And yet I was only feeling "regular" tired not chemo tired, I didn't have to go out in the rain that I hate, and the chaos didn't come from managing calls from the cancer clinic or racing out to Dr.'s appointments, it was only too many kiddos doing too many tests at once... Bliss! The Bliss also stems from this wonderful window I'm in of 18 days FREE of any treatment or appointment. I have not had 18 days in a row free of medical intervention since August. It seems like I just won a vacation!  And to feel almost normal today was just the capstone : ) NO, no, WAIT!  The capstone was that this was the 2nd day th

In the Right Place at the Right Time

Well, I continue on, recovering from my treatment last Thursday.  I feel much better on this medication than the AC of the last four treatments. Next to no nausea, which is a great change! The paclitaxel causes more muscle cramps and weird nerve reactions as far as I can tell. I feel more like I have the flu than anything else. Very manageable, if not pleasant. I have been cooped up a lot though, not quite able to make it out, sitting around, not sure what to do with myself. I should be researching radiation treatments and Tamoxifen and that sort of thing but, yuck.  My mind wanders to a few months from now when I'll not be so weighed down with chemo effects and rather I'll be left to wonder if and when and where the cancer will come back. I've read that the brand of cancer cell I have likes to particularly travel to the brain. Hmmm.  No prophylactic surgery for that one. It doesn't mean it will travel there, the odds are in my favour, but still. The odds are not the