Saturday, February 29, 2020

Evolution of a Homeschool Mom

Well, not evolution exactly, since that would imply random, accidental change, but I haven’t thought of a different word, yet. The story I’m trying to tell is the morphing of a homeschool mom (me) into whatever comes after all the kids have graduated, and I’m out of job. It definitely shouldn’t be random. 

I feel the reins of homeschool and parenting loosening gradually as my eldest has finished school, my second eldest is graduating in June, my next year’s grade ten-er will be taking mostly online classes, and I’ll have one grade eight-er who likely won’t want me lurking over her shoulder all day. It’s like, if I’m not careful, I’ll just slowly wander out to pasture and no one will notice. But that’s not my style. I’m nothing if not intentional. So, I’ve been thinking. And thinking. And thinking . . . 

My husband has been carrying the financial load since our first was born in 2000. I feel like he’s done his due and that it ought to be my turn to pitch in. I would LOVE it if down the road we could both work part time at flexible professions and be free to do the Lord’s work, supporting our children as they become parents or whatever, and just go where we are needed. That would be ideal. So I’ve been thinking . . . 

My first project is to launch a freelance proofreading/copyediting gig. 

I love words, obviously. I’ve been teaching English for over fifteen years, incredibly. I NEVER want to go to an office again in my entire life, duh. So, I envision myself and my laptop at kitchy coffeeshops, saving the world from poor grammar and unfortunate typos. Helping creative, ambitious people get their message out to the world. 

It’s taken me a long time to even be able to say those words out loud. I am shocked at how incapable I feel. How I don’t even feel like it’s legitimate for me to step into the outside world. When did that happen?

But there it is:  COMING SOON:    


to watch my work in progress click here:

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