I said in my last post that my next would be about my trip across on the ferry.  Due to the destructive nature of chemotherapy drugs, it is not advisable to have as many treatments as I need in the veins of my one good arm.  I was highly encouraged to have a "port" installed in my left upper chest area through which to administer these meds. Seemed reasonable; I like my veins.  A lot.  The catch was that they couldn't do it in a timely fashion (i.e. before my 2nd chemo) where I live which necessitated a ferry trip to another hospital. It all seemed a bit crazy but at this point, what doesn't?

So Sunday we boarded the ferry to ensure we would be at our appointment at 10am Monday, which we were.  Sunday was actually kind of nice! Nice hotel, nice in-room dinner, nice linens, nice husband : )  Monday was not so nice.  The procedure itself was really not worse and maybe even better than going  for a dental procedure, but let me tell you that after 4 hours of waiting amongst varying sorts of pre and post-op patients, my mental anxiety over what they were going to do while I was AWAKE (no general anesthetic), the IV, the prepping of the O.R. while I was in it and finally the play-by-play between the Dr. and the Resident - OY.

This all led me to being pretty much a zombie when we left there - until Tuesday afternoon. I think I had a bit of mental break down. By the time we were waiting for the elevator on the ferry car deck I was weeping and didn't really feel like stopping until Tuesday, PM.

I think the stress and medical procedures of the last 4 months has done me in.  Let me just say I don't want any one else touching me or poking me with ANYTHING.  Don't tell me it's a "little poke", or "no big deal".  Maybe not if you do this on a daily basis but for a civilian like me this is all A VERY BIG DEAL.  Each little poke is a mental mind game in my world.  Stitches are WAY out of my comfort zone, as are radioactive dye injections and loud tubes in which I must remain calm.  These all take a surprising toll on me, medical people!  My world is "Saxon Math 7/6" and "Phonics 2" and "why are you on the computer when you should be doing Science?"  Not "Let's find a good vein today", or "Switch the surgery around! Her right side is already post-op!" and let's not miss "Oh this Dr. likes a range of sutures"... GAH!

Since mid-August my list of "experiences" in the medical world has grown - for me - to an unimaginable number!  Consider the fact that I have to breath deeply just to go see the Dr. about anything and perhaps you'll feel my pain? It's all just too much.
  • No less than 6 different Dr.'s plus countless nurses examining what are in the West, still considered 2 of my Private Parts. 
  • Infinite amounts of blood taken from my body at every opportunity
  • Mammogram
  • Ultrasound
  • Biopsy (OUCH!)
  • Yes it's Cancer
  • Lumpectomy Surgery (incision, dressings, meds OH MY!)
  • Meeting with Oncologist (Stress!)
  • Dental cavity filled
  • Bone Scan
  • CT Scan (that stuff they inject is gross)
  • Wig appointment
  • Chemotherapy round 1
  • Bloodwork
  • Port installation (Trauma! Stitches! Pain!)
  • X-Ray
  • Lastly but not Leastly (so far)  Daily Injections...
For which I must go right now, my hubby's giving me that look ; )


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