Thursday, January 2, 2020

You're 50 Now, You Should Start Slowing Down . . .

A new year. A new decade. A new decade for me--50! 

Strange, the catalyst for this blog 10 years ago was turning 40. It just seemed like the time to start something new. It seemed exciting somehow. I thought the same would be the case for 50.

I was caught off guard by an older friend talking about someone else turning 50, and how their advice had been to really think about slowing down, you can't do all the things you used to! 


I've been waiting all these years of diapers and printing workbooks and chore lists to get to a place where I can begin afresh and do some exciting things, but I'm supposed to be slowing down?!? Shoot.

I read an article once on a bunch of women who hadn't really begun to do anything great until they were 50. That is much more inspiring to me. Not that I need to be GREAT, just, something would be nice.

So, on that note, I'm going to dedicate this year to taking the baby steps toward my post-50 life. The one where my children don't need me in the same way, nor does the laundry, or the cooking.

I have frequent attacks of feeling like nothing, and yes, yes, I know that's not exactly the case, but in reality I have no hard skills, no exceptional talents--certainly none that have been developed over these years. I have no resume whatsoever, and I know of what I speak, I used to write resumes for a living. Often for washed-up homemakers.

I know how to clean a kitchen, and how to make a healthyish dinner out fridge-dregs for 6 people, and I know how to explain an elementary school math problem, or teach a 5 year-old to read, but my education is 30 years out of date, as are my technical skills, and my confidence.

Classic case of post-stay-at-home-mom-osis.

I'll let you know how my transformation goes. I do have a plan, almost ; )
Me over 50?

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