Life is for the living!

Just got one more all clear from the doc!  "An almost boring exam" she said. I LOVE being boring.

What sweeter words could one hear?

How about - "Your 5 year mammogram is great - go home!"  

That's what I'm looking for come September.

I was extra anxious to get this last exam out of the way this week because that meant I could book my next exam 6 months from now, which meant that my doctor could order my annual mammogram for September, which meant that, Lord willing, I could have a 5 year "all clear" by the time my 50th birthday rolls around in October. Phew!

Of course I'm working on the presumption that I will still be disease-free in six months, but since I don't want to think of the alternative, I might as well make plans, right?

I'm thinking trip. Somewhere warm. With people I love. A celebration of milestones! There are a couple of other people who are having various milestones this year with whom I'd like to celebrate as well. So let's not wait any longer.  Life is for the living.

And I'd like to live-it-up for a week or so somewhere that looks like this:

Big Island of Hawaii


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