Saturday, September 23, 2017

Slurpees for Everyone V 2017

Well, why not make blogging an annual event along with our Year End Slurpees? A whole year and more has evaporated, but not blogging was somewhat intentional. First I decided I did not want to spend any extra time on my computer during the summer and secondly, during the school year, I decided it just wasn't going to be one of my priorities as I had many other places I needed to spend my energy. A third major reason is that the computer is really bothering my eyes, so I've saved my eyeballs for school-related and other vital activities. I guess I could tack on that I have no real purpose for my blog these days either, other than just my own personal record keeping and the joy of writing. All good reasons taking time off! But I felt like I wanted to process the school year by wrapping some words around it : )

This was one of our more interesting years. I started out with four students and ended up with three. I started with two "little" girls, and ended with one. I started blasé and ended enthusiastically. I started with a Grad-Prep student and ended with a Grad-Program student. Lots of transitions...

As I said, I started out blasé. I didn't want my life to be defined by school. I just couldn't seem to care about getting down to work. Oddly, as the year has progressed, I continued to get a bit more enthused until now when I actual feel like I want to invest the time and energy to make it a good year next year.  I've only got 3 years with my #2 kid and I can already feel her sliding away through the cracks of my life into her own. And I can also see where my lack of planning and investment left us at a disadvantage. I'm hoping my enthusiasm lasts long enough for me to organize a great year for 2017/18!

Although a large part of my school-fatigue stemmed from recuperating from treatment mentally and physically, a significant drain on all of us this year came from our oldest really struggling with school. He's an amazing and brilliant kid, and he's going to be fine. But sitting down and working has not been his strong suit. At all. In December it became clear that he was going to have to go back to school (he was there in grade 8) and see if he could salvage the year. The school was fabulous and accommodated him very generously. He has salvaged his year, but still, the discipline of sitting down and just doing what needs to be done is under construction. It's so important to know when to flip the switch, shut down your ego and do what's best. Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I don't. But this was a win. He'll finish grade twelve there and we'll all be thrilled at what he's accomplished.

So here are some happy faces finishing their 2016/17 school year! Minus my oldest : (

Year-end FrznClds 2017 : )

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