"This is Likely Behind You..."

Long time no post!  And for good reason, I'm sure you will agree.  It just so happened that I went for my Oncology appointment on the 17th of May, not sure what to expect - perhaps another round of tests? At the beginning of this whole adventure they had suggested maybe another CT Scan in a year or so, so I was steeling myself for news of that ilk. NOT TO BE!  Instead of handing me a card full of appointments, my Dr. shook my hand and said these words:

"This is likely behind you."

What? Pardon? I asked him to repeat it and told him I didn't take his words lightly.  I told him how I'd hung on his comment: "With treatment you have an 80% chance of living to be an old lady," and "Likely behind you," ranked right up there in the same category of words from a deity.  I've been quite disabused of considering Dr.'s some form of God, but still, they have their moments.

Apparently my family Dr. is quite capable of filling my needs from this point on unless/until there is some point of concern at which time my Oncologist will see me without delay. This means:
NO MORE TRIPS to the CANCER CLINIC.  Lord willing.  (Aside: did you know that DV is short for "Deo volente" which is Latin for God willing? - you're welcome ; )  

I was absolutely speechless.  I drove home in a stupor. I totally did not expect this and I waited for a couple of weeks to see if they were going to call me back to schedule something or something, but no, nothing!  I really couldn't even post about it, I was just trying to get used to the idea. And then I've just taken a few weeks to not think about anything cancer-ish - easy to do as this is a very busy time of year, with wrapping up school and getting ready for next year, and I've just been allowing myself to enjoy the process of it all since I wasn't sure I'd really have the luxury to do it all again.

If you've been reading my blog for cancer updates, feel free to stop reading!  I hope you never feel the need to read here again, since there will be no more updates, DV, : )  I intend to limit my blogging to any other topic I'm remotely interested in sharing, but avoiding all things cancer!!!!


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