Day 36 out of 90

That is:  36 of 90 days of the 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge.  I've made through Nehemiah and I'm only 8 days behind!  Making a mathematical projection, that would mean I might finish in 114 days rather than 90, which is fine with me.

I'm amazed at how much I have learned just by speeding up my pace of reading.  I've read the bible through and I do lots of bible study, but just reading through without stopping to read all the extra goodies at the bottom of the pages really does allow the big picture to come into focus.

Without giving it all away, because you should really try this for yourself, one of the big pictures so far to me is the fickleness of man.  I've lost count of how many times Israel has recommitted themselves to God and how many times they have reneged.  That means I've also lost count of how many times God has taken them back and re-established a relationship with them. He has kept His promises over thousands of years so far in the story, the promises for blessing as well as the promises for destruction. It's just more plain to see when you take giant gulps of scripture at a time.

I've learned lots of other things too, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who takes this on for themselves.  If you feel inspired you can join up here  at Haven Today, for a reading plan bookmark and helpful emails.  I really suggest reading a simplified copy of the Bible without any notes, unless you can completely restrain yourself from reading the extra-biblical text, it will really help keep you on track.

Yes, I'm reading a Children's version.  It's what I got my hands on first and I knew that if I didn't start right away, but rather waited until I found whatever version I thought would be most appropriate, I would never get started (that's my approach to blog posts and pictures too, incase you wonder how much more amateur I could possibly get). It's turned out to be perfect.  As you can see below, there is no temptation whatsoever to get lost in detailed commentary, save for a few choice comments by the parrot every few pages ; )  Plus the language is so simple that I'm reading well known verses in a fresh way.

So go ahead, grab your kid's bible (or there are usually some at the thrift store if necessary), download the schedule, and get started!  You could have the whole bible read before summer, what an awesome accomplishment!  And how could it not be a blessing on your spiritual walk?


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