
Showing posts from February, 2016


My last chemotherapy appointment!  DONE!  That's me in the middle not looking as thrilled as I actually was : )   I was SO SO SO thrilled and even more so because two of my favourite people came by to celebrate with me. AND... while I was sitting there I got even better news!  I get my port out on March 9th!  I do have to make a trip to the Big City to get it out, but I'm choosing to focus on the OUT part not the Odyssey of ferry, traffic and travel part.  : )

Day 36 out of 90

That is:  36 of 90 days of the 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge.  I've made through Nehemiah and I'm only 8 days behind!  Making a mathematical projection, that would mean I might finish in 114 days rather than 90, which is fine with me. I'm amazed at how much I have learned just by speeding up my pace of reading.  I've read the bible through and I do lots of bible study, but just reading through without stopping to read all the extra goodies at the bottom of the pages really does allow the big picture to come into focus. Without giving it all away, because you should really try this for yourself, one of the big pictures so far to me is the fickleness of man.  I've lost count of how many times Israel has recommitted themselves to God and how many times they have reneged.  That means I've also lost count of how many times God has taken them back and re-established a relationship with them. He has kept His promises over thousands of years so far in the story

I made it! ...Almost

Well, this was supposed to be a celebratory post declaring my exit out of the chemo program!  And I am still exiting, just not until Monday. Wouldn't you know it, one last re-scheduling of my Herceptin appointment!  Because administering Herceptin is quick and easy (no expected reactions and an hour of "chair time") it makes it a simple appointment for the over-capacity chemo room folks to shuffle around.  I think nearly every single one one of my appointments has been moved to a new time or date since last summer, so I shouldn't be surprised.  I begged politely that they not postpone this appointment any further, but that I'd take any cancellation available! They were very sympathetic and apologetic, they totally get it : ) Another glitch in the tying up of loose ends as I finish my chemo treatment is the removal of my porta-cath  through which the chemo meds have been administered.  If you've been reading here for a long time you'll know that I had a h


AKA - What I Ate Wednesday Yes, I know it's Thursday, BUT! I just came across this on a recipe blog I was on and I thought, wow, if I had a record of what I've eaten every Wednesday for the last 6 years, my Wednesdays now would be unrecognizable from my Wednesdays past! Let's see, PAST: peanut butter and jam on bread several cups of coffee with cream and 2 tsp of sugar a muffin for a snack grilled cheese for lunch with Campbell's veg. soup (with high-fructose corn syrup) an apple and cheese for a snack Mac and cheese or spaghetti, since we had to leave for activities quickly cereal before bed. PRESENT (yesterday): blueberries, apple, walnuts and greek yoghurt  Organic Earl Grey tea (cream flavour) 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate homemade taco soup (low carb, no preservatives, dairy etc.), corn chips cashews and raisins for a snack organic coffee with cream stuffed pesto/veggie squash with brown rice a few hazelnuts before bed I

Another "last" to check off!

So, I need NONE of these anymore - not even the elevator - I always take the stairs.  I went for my LAST echocardiogram at noon today!  YEYEYEY! I've had to go for either a MUGA test or an echocardiography every three months for the last year, plus a bonus one because I failed the first one ; ) (see my snake venom post), in order to be eligible to receive the Herceptin medication I need.  So I am more than ready to be done with both radioactive injections and the ultrasound machine poking around my torso. It was quite busy at the hospital today so there were several people in the waiting room.  I felt quite comfortable there because there were folks of all ages waiting there with me. It didn't take long before  realized that all the people my age were actually waiting for parents or grandparents to finish their test! Weird. Aaaannnyway, I'm done there - hopefully till I'm a senior myself. Now onward to my LAST CHEMO in a couple of weeks...