Happy Happy 2016

The phrase "Happy New Year" always plays in my head in the form of the old ABBA tune:

"Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have a vision now and then 
of a world where every neighbour is a frieeeend..."

The song was released in 1979: 
"it's the end of a decade, 
in another ten years' time,
who can say what we'll find, 
what lies waiting down the line, 
in the end of '89"

I remember listening to that song when 1989 seemed a loooong way off. Not to mention (party like it's) 1999. And 2009.  Weirdly, 2019 *doesn't* seem far away at all. That MUST be a sign of middle age.

As much as I love ABBA (and I do!) I like this unknown author much better:

Another year I enter
Its history unknown;
Oh, how my feet would tremble
To tread its paths alone!
But I have heard a whisper,
I know I shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest."

What will the New Year bring me?
I may not, must not know;
Will it be love and rapture,
Or loneliness and woe?
Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper;
I surely shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest."

Unknown Author

Sometimes I can replace "Another year I enter" with "Another DAY I enter".   Nothing is a surprise for the Creator of the Universe, even if it is to me.   Before time began, He planned to redeem us and adopt us as His children through the Lord Jesus Christ - so that we might be called sons and daughters of God.  Before Time Began...  it's not like we're on God's "plan B" here because things have gone monstrously awry.  He does know what's up.  

HUH.  That brings up another thought!  I started this out with that fab 70's band ABBA.  But check out this verse in Galatians:
"And because we are His children, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts prompting us to call out ABBA Father!"

And this verse in Romans 8:15:
"You haven't received the spirit of slaves that leads you into fear again.  Instead you have received the  spirit of God's adopted children by which we call out 'ABBA! Father!'"

ABBA is a name that denotes respect and a specific relationship to God.  Jesus used it in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed in anguish and we are welcome to call out the same name as He did because we have been "adopted".  I know all about being adopted - it's a wonderful thing - especially when you are adopted into the perfect family. 

How about making 2016 the year to be adopted into God's family?  Having a Father you can truly cry out to in every circumstance, because He's got it covered?  Before time began He desired to have us in His family and made a plan to allow it to happen - but only if we want to be - it's not like you can force someone to be in your family (think Darth Vader and Luke).  Really, being part of a family is a voluntary move, a continually voluntary move, actually.  Hmmmm.  This begs more thought...


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