90 Days

Have you ever tried to do anything for 90 days? It's sort of an arbitrary number but I guess it's supposed to sound "doable", not too intimidating. There are all kinds of 90 day things like workouts, diets, affirmations and environmental pledges.  I used to be a fan of that stuff, but the pressure never really worked for me well, and if something needs to be done, I'm much more successful at biting off tiny bits over a loooong period of time.  Like reading the bible for example.

Back when I first read the bible through I picked a manageable chapter-a-day approach and finished it in 3 1/2 years. I've more or less continued that approach, interspersed with many various studies for 20 years because it seems to work for me. But I felt like I needed a shake up to start the new year so picked up a 90 day reading plan at Haven Today.  Whoa.  That's a lot of fast reading through scripture.  I'm not used to skimming. I'm used to chewing and savouring. They say it's like looking at the bible from about 10,000 feet - I'd have to agree! I've read through individual books quickly but now I'm through Genesis and Exodus and well into Leviticus and it's been quite the ride!

There is a lot of weird stuff in there when you don't take the time to study it out.  This was definitely written in a different time and a different place.  But people are the same no matter when or where, aren't they? Joseph, Jacob, Abraham, I get where they are coming from. A desire to fiercely hold on to God, expecting Him to do what He says He will do. "I won't let you go until you bless me!" says Jacob. Abraham wavering but ultimately counting on the promise that he wouldn't even see in his lifetime (that is faith!). Joseph, declaring the goodness of God and acting on it even when life couldn't go more wrong - betrayed by family, falsely accused, jailed - how did he patiently wait that all out? Where did his faith come from?

I need to end this post so that I can get my reading in today - gotta keep up with my 13yo, who is reading along with me. My son is reading the bible in a year, chronologically. These are their own ideas, in fact, they started before I did! I don't know where life will take my children but they will know what it is in God's word, what they choose to do with it will be their own story, but I'm holding onto one of God's promises, as Abraham did, that His Word will not return void.

God bless you as you dig into this new year!


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