Slurpees for Everyone!

Or "Frzn Colds" as they are called at the Chevron station ;) And why did we need crushed ice with soda syrup? BECAUSE....

We are done!  
The 2014-15 school year is now history. We did it!  

And we always go for Slurpees/Slushies/Frzn Colds on the last day of school.  (Ice cream is for the first day of school).

Back in September, when I got my diagnosis, I didn't know if we'd finish this year, or if the kids would be in a school someplace; but we did it!  The kids have been champs, working while I've been at soooo many appointments, or in bed.  Some of the hardest days were when I was plagued by what-if's and couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. When I was waiting a test result or consumed by a decision we had to make:  mastectomy or lumpectomy? Chemotherapy or no treatment at all? Or just dread... who can concentrate on phonics??

How did we get school done this year, practically speaking?  Well, I schedule my two youngest in the morning, to work with me. To make sure we get the essentials of reading and math done.  If I could just get through devotions at 9:00, and then speak the words "Paige, get your math out",  I knew we were on our way.  Paige (my 9 yr old) is a dream student and her great attitude and sharp brains got me rolling every school day.  Then I could take on 2nd grader Brooke's math and on we went.  Most days we only worked until lunch since I booked my appointments in the afternoon if possible. The beauty of homeschool: work 1/2 a day and meet or exceed the expectations on the province's standardized test.

My older two, in grades 7 and 9, worked largely on their own through a combination of online classes and regular text books and have done a spectacular job. Each successfully completing their math courses, science, english etc. I'm so proud of them. They have really stepped up and got their jobs done. As of today they are now 8th and 10th graders!

Just to make other homeschool mom's feel better - because I know what comparison junkies we are - here's what we didn't get done:  we didn't finish our timeline, we haven't pasted the state postcards around our map for our postcard exchange, we didn't get to our Canada's Natives Long Ago study, Paige has 4 writing lessons to finish next year and a dozen latin lessons, I only got through maybe 1/4 of our read-alouds that I do during lunch, Paige and Brooke's handwriting could use way more attention, Sean didn't finish his vocabulary program or grammar (but the printer broke!), Logic didn't happen at all, nor our ancient history pockets project... Does that make anyone feel better? I hate reading about all the great things some superhero mom accomplished. I always wish they'd share some area of disaster at the same time so I don't go away feeling completely defeated.

Oh yeah, and I'm swamped by books and papers and hole-y socks, broken toys and crusty dishes found in odd places, my carpet is disgusting and I don't want to do anything about any of it. But school is done!

My new kitty keeping this year's read-alouds company

Now off to plan next year, Lord willing...


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