Slurpees for Everyone!
Or "Frzn Colds" as they are called at the Chevron station ;) And why did we need crushed ice with soda syrup? BECAUSE.... We are done! The 2014-15 school year is now history. We did it! And we always go for Slurpees/Slushies/Frzn Colds on the last day of school. (Ice cream is for the first day of school). Back in September, when I got my diagnosis, I didn't know if we'd finish this year, or if the kids would be in a school someplace; but we did it! The kids have been champs, working while I've been at soooo many appointments, or in bed. Some of the hardest days were when I was plagued by what-if's and couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. When I was waiting a test result or consumed by a decision we had to make: mastectomy or lumpectomy? Chemotherapy or no treatment at all? Or just dread... who can concentrate on phonics?? How did we get school done this year, practically speaking? Well, I schedule my two youngest in the mornin...