Day by Day, in Every Way, I'm Getting Better and Better! Right?

Another beautiful day in our neighbourhood today [skip the next line if you still have snow].  A balmy 22 degrees Celsius in town this afternoon.  It feels like summer's on it's way!  It also feels like I should be feeling all better!

I'm learning patience I guess.  Because 11 days ago was my "last chemo treatment", my mind was all set to be feeling great, having a full head of hair and a set of eyelashes the next day.  I realize this is totally illogical but my body clock was so read to move on to a different phase that it absolutely hasn't accepted the fact that I still have potent chemicals running though my body killing hair cells amongst other things. My brain has moved on but my body hasn't.  I feel frustrated that I don't feel great, and my fingertips are numb and my whole self is achy.  I even feel frustrated that I feel so frustrated because, as stated, it's completely illogical.

I am moving on to the next treatment phase tomorrow though. I go to see my Radiologist, who will send me for a planning CT scan, and then tattoo me.  Yeah, I don't know what that means in reality either and to be honest I just don't even care. "Just do it and get it over with," is how I'm feeling. I'm just hoping it doesn't hurt, but I'm too scared lazy to check.  I'm trying to spend my mental energy, the part that I devote to researching cancer stuff and which is in VERY short supply, to learning about what I can do to stay healthy and minimize side effects rather than detail every procedure. Obviously I'll find out what they are going to do to me eventually whether I check ahead or not, right?

I have had some good advice from my Naturopathic Dr. to support my body during radiation. This helps me feel like there's something I can control. Plus it seemed to work pretty well for the chemotherapy portion. It's nothing radical or expensive - well, trying cut out carbs of all kinds is fairly radical to me - but other than that, it's all very doable.

Here's hoping for a lovely, sunny drive to the Clinic tomorrow.  But now I have to go: Brooke has picked me "a very special flower" and I must see it : )


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