
Showing posts from April, 2015


Monday was a fun day. I finally got a tattoo! I know, I know, you didn't even know I wanted one did you? Well, truth be told I didn't actually want one on Monday as much as I did say... 25 years ago (which I'm glad I didn't get, 'cause the place I wanted that blue dolphin just doesn't look the same anymore).  It was all part of my pre-radiotherapy treatment. Now that I'm finished with the chemo and only on a Herceptin infusion every 3 weeks (which I heard in Europe is given by injection now instead of intravenous - which would be about 30 minutes faster than the 30 minutes it takes to get the intravenous version) I'm moving on to the radiation phase of my treatment plan.  Monday involved meeting with my very nice Radiologist and having a planning CT scan. Unfortunately during my appointment with my Radiologist I had a coughing fit, you know the kind where your eyes run, your nose runs and, in my case, my painted on eyelashes ran down my face, I could

Day by Day, in Every Way, I'm Getting Better and Better! Right?

Another beautiful day in our neighbourhood today [skip the next line if you still have snow].  A balmy 22 degrees Celsius in town this afternoon.  It feels like summer's on it's way!  It also feels like I should be feeling all better! I'm learning patience I guess.  Because 11 days ago was my "last chemo treatment", my mind was all set to be feeling great, having a full head of hair and a set of eyelashes the next day.  I realize this is totally illogical but my body clock was so read to move on to a different phase that it absolutely hasn't accepted the fact that I still have potent chemicals running though my body killing hair cells amongst other things. My brain has moved on but my body hasn't.  I feel frustrated that I don't feel great, and my fingertips are numb and my whole self is achy.  I even feel frustrated that I feel so frustrated because, as stated, it's completely illogical. I am moving on to the next treatment phase tomorrow thou

15 versus 45

Man would I hurt if I did this. 15 vs 45 makes all the difference. I can't believe I have a 15 year old. Good thing he gets more terrific every year.  I just thought this was such a cool picture, I had to share. 

Chemotherapy 8 down NONE to go!

Ok, so this is a little bit how I felt on Wednesday when I went in for my LAST chemo treatment: No, this isn't me ; ), just one of my beautiful children, captured by my very talented father-in-law's camera.  It was a day that I've been looking forward to since November when they laid out the plan for me.  Yes, I still have to go back every 3 weeks for Herceptin, but that is not officially "chemotherapy", and the side effects are basically none. So I felt a bit giddy before, after, and during the 5 hours I was there!  The nurses are all wonderful and made sure to congratulate me on my last one; but as with all things cancer, the good news is always tempered.  We were reminded that there were many, many people there that won't have a last chemo session, or rather when they do, it won't be because they are better. Sigh. It just takes the wind out of me.  No matter what, we each only have this very day in which to be thankful, not tomorrow. But t