The Journey Begins...

So I had my meeting with the Oncologist.  I had been hoping, desperately, to avoid chemo.  I just don't like putting garbage in my body. I'm much more of a natural kinda girl - especially since a naturopath fixed me right up a few years ago from ongoing joint pain and being generally unwell.  But it is not to be.

Based on a further inspection of my particular cancer cells, chemo offers me a 20% better chance of "living to be an old lady" quoth the Oncologist.  Still feeling sick at the thought of making this choice I went to a naturopath specializing in oncology, who although deploring the general state of cancer therapy available, stated that he had nothing close to a 20% improvement in odds to offer me.  He has some good recommendations to come through the chemo as whole as possible but even he couldn't, in good conscience, dissuade me from taking that route.

2 Chemo drugs every 2 weeks X 4
1 Chemo drug and Herceptin every 3 weeks X 4
Herceptin every 3 weeks X 9  (Herceptin doesn't cause the side effects of regular chemo, thankfully!)

This will afford me an 80% chance of living to be said "old lady".  If statistics mean anything.

Due to the every 2 wk schedule at first my dear, sweet, ever-lovin' husband has to give me 32 white blood cell boosting injections.  NOTE: we are not medical professionals. Neither of us has considered giving injections to self or others at any time. HE IS MY HERO : )


So here I am, post my first chemo session by one week.  I don't feel like myself but I can't say I feel bad overall.  I was really only down and out one day and the anti-nausea meds worked wonderfully.  I've made it to two birthday parties, church and trip on a ferry - which will be my next post. I'm trying to continue my nutrition dense eating plan and otherwise stay healthy.  One week to go...


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