SAHM - acronym for "stay-at-home-mom"

That's me. Yes, I stay at home with my children. Before we ever had children I informed my dear husband that if we did, that would be the end of my career.  And then we had one. Major gulp.

My convictions never waivered, it was just one of those jump in the cold, dark, deep-end moments. I didn't look into the blue eyes of my baby boy and feel I could never leave him (quite the opposite, I kept waiting for his parents to show up and take him home!).  We weren't so wealthy that my income was disposable (I made more than my husband at the time and didn't make much!).  I wasn't the housewifely, motherly type (man has THAT been a learning curve).  It wasn't the circumstances it was just what I needed to do if I was going to bring new people into the world. They were MY responsibility.

I have to be able to look back - no matter how they turn out - and say "I did the best I could. I left no stone unturned, no fear un-faced, to raise these eternal souls granted me for such a short time." Well, that profound statement is only 1/2 of it, the other 1/2 is remembering how sweet and safe it felt to know that my mommy was always at home waiting for me in case I needed her while I was at school.  I can't remember ever needing her but I knew one phone call would bring her screeching to the school in 5 minutes or less (we lived close!). It was a good thing.

Although I was a budding feminist in university I never could quite let go of the idea that the home is where it all is. It's the foundation of our society, it is the transfer station of values and character. It really does matter! A lot!  If the home matters then the person who runs that home matters which means that a woman - or man - who stays home matters, a lot!  Keeping and managing the transfer station of ideals and values is no small task, it is a very real career if you take it seriously.  I resent the implication that what a person does as a stay-at-home parent is less important or interesting than an outside job. It is what you make it.


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