Life is for the living!
Just got one more all clear from the doc! "An almost boring exam" she said. I LOVE being boring. What sweeter words could one hear? How about - "Your 5 year mammogram is great - go home!" That's what I'm looking for come September. I was extra anxious to get this last exam out of the way this week because that meant I could book my next exam 6 months from now, which meant that my doctor could order my annual mammogram for September, which meant that, Lord willing, I could have a 5 year "all clear" by the time my 50th birthday rolls around in October. Phew! Of course I'm working on the presumption that I will still be disease-free in six months, but since I don't want to think of the alternative, I might as well make plans, right? I'm thinking trip. Somewhere warm. With people I love. A celebration of milestones! There are a couple of other people who are having various milestones this year with whom I'd like to celeb...