The Magic of January?
Doesn't everyone feel the pull of a fresh new year? The urge to sit down and plan a change towards a better life because those magic numbers 01/01 will make it so? Goals are important to me. They motivate me, they remind me, they free me, they really do make me a much better person. All that said, I have realized, much to my shock and awe, that they are not for everybody. In fact some people find them threatening, stupid, even unbiblical. But since I am not one of those people I embrace another year, another excuse to dream about what could be in the form of a beautiful, impossible sheet of goals for 2019. I read a book sometime ago - I wish I could remember what it was - but the big take-away was the "brain dump". Write everything down that is lurking in the corners of your mind, taking up productive space, and attacking you at the least convenient moment. Just put it ALL on a piece of paper. ALL of it. What a fantastic experience. The instruction was to set a t...