
Showing posts from July, 2015

When you wake up and find this...

Enough said : )

A woman's glory is her hair. I'm in trouble...

It was a beautiful day in the Cancer Clinic neighbourhood yesterday as I went in for my Herceptin treatment.   I was really not looking forward to going in (duh!)  It's almost as if these intermittent appointments are harder because in between I can almost forget about cancer.  (Unless I look in the mirror - ghastly - more about that later). Then all of a sudden I'm back in the world of the big C and it's a bit of downer. At least I wasn't there long, only an hour-ish, but I would really prefer to ignore it all and just do summer. They like me there though, and the reason I know that is that every time I go to leave they hand me a little card telling me when I should come back and see them!  This card has about 6 more visits listed on it,  about which I felt quite overwhelmed.  They must really like me a lot.  The appointments span out until the end of September though, so it's not sooooo daunting. I can say that looking in the mirror is VERY daunting.  I look a

Status Quo

Good grief, it's been a month since I posted? That's a good sign.  That means that life is carrying on as usual and I'm not consumed with all things cancer.  As of today I've ordered all my school stuff for next year. I've been working in the garden, I've organized some of our overabundance of "stuff" and spent some time just hanging out with family. It's been wonderful. I've even spent some time just sweating in summertime heat - which is AWESOME!  Anyone that knows me knows I like it WARM. As long as things are continuing on well I don't plan to update here very often - at least regarding my cancer journey.  I just don't want to think about it. I might come here to talk about school or faith or something else, but I'm not letting cancer take any more of my life than it has unless I have to. Next Tuesday I have a Herceptin treatment. My 30 minute intravenous visit with the fabulous nurses at the Clinic. My next heart test is Au