
Showing posts from November, 2015

Happy Birthday Sandra Lynn!

Or it might be Sandra "Lyn". Or possibly even Sandra "Lynne".  Can't remember without fishing through a lot of paperwork.   Anyway, on Hallowe'en 1969, a baby girl was born and given the name Sandra Lyn(n)(e) by a young unwed mother. She was then whisked away 7 days later to her new family (a mother, a father and a two years senior brother) - eventually to grow up and be... me! The adoption laws provide "non-identifying information" to an adoptee, meaning I have the first name my birthmother gave me but no last name. I know I have a full brother 11 months older than me, but again, no name. I have at least two 1/2 sisters and I have lots of aunts and uncles, but no way to know who any of them are. And of course a father, who seemed to be in a rather unhappy marriage based on his extracurricular activities. I would absolutely LOVE a picture of my birth family members - any or all of them. I don't even necessarily want to meet anyone, just a p